Thursday, July 5, 2012

Iron Kobra - Iron Kobra Battlesword (EP 2010)

Band : Iron Kobra
Country : Germany
Release : Iron Kobra Battlesword (EP)
Year : 2010
Genre : Heavy, Thrash Metal
File Info : MP3, 192 Kbps
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Iron Kobra on Metal Archives

Don Viper - Bass/Backing Vocals
Sir Serpent - Guitars/Vocals
Lord Python - Guitar/Vocals
Commander Conda - Drums

1. Will of the Kobra 03:37  
2. Steamhammer 03:27
3. Divine Wind 02:11
4. Demon Queen 03:43
5. Heavy Metal Generation 06:07
6. King of the Road 05:41
7. Kobra Krusader 05:31


porosimetal said...

ACHILLES,IRON KOBRA 2010 MCD is a fine speed metal effort!These crazy,drunk Germans with the funny monickers and almost parody lyrics(Hi METALUCIFER!!)kick serious ass music wise!A must have for all speed thrashers out there!ΜΙΛΑΜΕ ΓΙΑ ΠΟΛΥ ΠΟΡΩΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΑΜΑ,ΓΑΜΑΝΕ!!!

Painkiller said...

the link is dead:( re upload please

AchiLLeS said...

new link