Monday, August 20, 2012

Wizard - Thor (2009)



Band : Wizard
Country : Germany
Release : Thor
Year : 2009
Genre : Heavy Metal,Epic Metal
File Info : mp3 320
Download : ][Mediafire][ 


Wizard, long running German power metallers have been there and done that, and probably bought the t-shirt as well, all really without becoming a well-known giant in the genre such as bands like Gamma Ray and Blind Guardian, also from sweet sweet Deutschland. "Thor" is album number eight, and not a whole lot has changed. Wizard have always been a European power metal band, and thus have been called "cheesy" and "flower metal" and all the other generic remarks, but compared to other bands in the genre, Freedom Call and Fairyland for example, these guys, and "Thor" in particular sound as hard as a ton of bricks and just as heavy. No, Wizard have never been the cheesiest band and "Thor" probably has the least dairy product of any kind in it looking back over the band's history. These guitar riffs are thick and solid, perhaps more and more reminiscent of good ol' "Painkiller" in places as they stab the airwaves. Singer Sven D'Anna once again follows on here from previous album "Goochan" where increasing amounts of rougher, gruffer vocals were used in between the wailing, which have themselves noticeably increased in quality over the years. Wizard are once again the complete package, perhaps even more so with "Thor" as this new offering is the band's first with two guitar players. Every element of their music as precise, clean and accomplished as the next. Plenty of double bass drumming seals the album together and seals the deal for a good quality album.

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